IOTC Platform Ver: [Comments] |
- Release Package Readme
Copyright (c) 2010 by Throughtek Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
This package contains all the necessary modules for using TUTK IOTC platform.
For convenient reference, this package is divided into two major parts as described below. Note that the directories mentioned below are relative to the root folder of release package.
Part 1 – Reference
· Basic concept (.\UserManual\Concept\index.htm)
Ø This document describes the basic architecture and terminology used in TUTK IOTC platform and let users be quickly familiar with the draft concept.
· Flow chart (.\UserManual\FlowChart\index.htm)
Ø This document contains the diagrams demonstrating the generic flow charts of devices and clients in TUTK IOTC platform as well as the pseudo code aside the diagram for easy understanding how to let devices and clients to join TUTK IOTC platform.
· API reference guide (.\UserManual\APIRefGuide\index.htm)
Ø This guide provides complete and comprehensive reference of each API, structure and error code when programming TUTK IOTC platform. (Note: If security warning happens in Internet Explorer when opening this HTML file, please check the option “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer” in security settings of Internet Explorer.)
· AV Module Reference of Service Type (.\UserManual\AVModule\ServiceType\index.htm)
Ø This document provides a reference of definition of service types for AV server in AV module. Please note that manufactures can define their own service types for their AV servers and AV clients.
· AV Module Reference of AV IO Control
Ø This document provides a reference of TUTK defined AV IO Control in AV module. Please note that manufactures can define their own AV IO Control.
Part 2 – Implementation
· Header files (.\Include\)
Ø This folder contains the header files of TUTK IOTC platform. Four headers are provided as below.
Header File |
Purpose |
TUTKGlobal.h |
Type definition and function declaration of Global module which provides region and license key settings. |
Type definition and function declaration of IOTC module. It should be included in all IOTC platform related developed programs. |
Type definition and function declaration of Reliable Data Transfer (RDT) module which provides highly reliable ways of transferring data between device and client. |
AVAPIs.h |
Type definition and function declaration of Audio / Video data transfer (AV) module which provides fluent streaming multimedia from device to client. |
P2PTunnelAPIs.h |
Type definition and function declaration of P2PTunnel module. |
NebulaAPIs.h |
Type definition and function declaration of Nebula module. |
· Library files (.\Lib\)
Ø To provide the greatest portability, TUTK IOTC platform supports many popular platforms and corresponding development environment. The corresponding libraries are listed as following for use when linking executable files.
Platform |
Directory |
Android (above android 5.0) |
.\Lib\Android |
Apple tvOS |
.\Lib\tvOS |
iPhone Simulator |
.\Lib\iOS-simulator |
iOS (above iOS 9.0) |
.\Lib\iOS |
Linux (Embedded Linux) |
.\Lib\Linux\<SOC> |
.\Lib\MAC |
Ø To link library properly, please refer to the following table
Platform - Module |
Link libraries |
Android - AV |
libAVAPIs.so libIOTCAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so |
Android - RDT |
libRDTAPIs.so libIOTCAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so |
Android – P2PTunnel |
libP2PTunnelAPIs.so libRDTAPIs.so libIOTCAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so |
Android – Nebula |
libNebulaAPIs.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so |
iOS – AV, RDT, P2PTunnel, Nebula |
libssl.a libcrypto.a libcurl.a libjson-c.a libIOTCAPIs_ALL.a |
MAC - AV, RDT, P2PTunnel, Nebula |
libssl.a libcrypto.a libcurl.a libjson-c.a libIOTCAPIs_ALL.a |
Linux - AV |
libssl.so libcrypto.so libcurl.so libjson-c.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so libIOTCAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so libAVAPIs.so |
Linux - RDT |
libssl.so libcrypto.so libcurl.so libjson-c.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so libIOTCAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so libRDTAPIs.so |
Linux – P2PTunnel |
libssl.so libcrypto.so libcurl.so libjson-c.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so libIOTCAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so libRDTAPIs.so libP2PTunnelAPIs.so |
Linux - Nebula |
libssl.so libcrypto.so libcurl.so libjson-c.so libTUTKGlobalAPIs.so libNebulaAPIs.so |
Windows - AV |
libssl.lib libcrypto.lib libcurl.lib libjson-c.lib libTUTKGlobalAPIs.lib libIOTCAPIs.lib libNebulaAPIs.lib libAVAPIs.lib |
Windows - RDT |
libssl.lib libcrypto.lib libcurl.lib libjson-c.lib libTUTKGlobalAPIs.lib libIOTCAPIs.lib libNebulaAPIs.lib libRDTAPIs.lib |
Windows – P2PTunnel |
libssl.lib libcrypto.lib libcurl.lib libjson-c.lib libTUTKGlobalAPIs.lib libIOTCAPIs.lib libRDTAPIs.lib libNebulaAPIs.lib libP2PTunnelAPIs.lib |
Windows - Nebula |
libssl.lib libcrypto.lib libcurl.lib libjson-c.lib libTUTKGlobalAPIs.lib libNebulaAPIs.lib |
· Sample codes (.\Sample\)
Ø Three types of samples codes are used to demonstrate the three modules: IOTC, RDT and AV, respectively. Also, the multiple platforms are supported in sample code for easily reference.
Module |
Platform |
Directory |
Android |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_IOTCAPIs |
Linux |
.\Sample\Linux\Sample_IOTCAPIs |
Windows |
.\Sample\Win32\Sample_IOTCAPIs |
.\Sample\MAC\Sample_IOTCAPIs |
Android |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_RDTAPIs |
Linux |
.\Sample\Linux\Sample_RDTAPIs |
Windows |
.\Sample\Win32\Sample_RDTAPIs |
iOS |
.\Sample\iOS\Sample_RDTAPIs |
AV |
Android |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_AVAPIs_Cleint |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_AVAPIs_Server |
Linux |
.\Sample\Linux\Sample_AVAPIs |
Mac |
.\Sample\MAC\Sample_AVAPIs |
Windows |
.\Sample\Win32\Sample_AVAPIs_Client |
iOS |
.\Sample\iOS\Sample_AVAPIs |
P2PTunnel |
Android |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_P2PTunnelAPIs_agent |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_P2PTunnelAPIs_server |
Linux |
.\Sample\Linux\Sample_P2PTunnel |
Mac |
.\Sample\MAC\Sample_P2PTunnelAPIs |
Windows |
.\Sample\Win32\Sample_P2PTunnel |
iOS |
.\Sample\iOS\Sample_P2PTunnelAPIs |
Nebula |
Android |
.\Sample\Android\Sample_Nebula |
Linux |
.\Sample\Linux\Sample_Nebula |