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AVCommon.h File Reference
#include "TUTKGlobalAPIs.h"
#include "NebulaJsonAPIs.h"
#include "TUTKJsonAPIs.h"

Data Structures

struct  AvIdentity


#define AV_MAX_IOCTRL_DATA_SIZE   1024
#define AV_MAX_AUDIO_DATA_SIZE   1280
#define MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH   1024
#define AV_ER_NoERROR   0
#define AV_ER_INVALID_ARG   -20000
#define AV_ER_EXCEED_MAX_CHANNEL   -20002
#define AV_ER_MEM_INSUFF   -20003
#define AV_ER_FAIL_CREATE_THREAD   -20004
#define AV_ER_EXCEED_MAX_ALARM   -20005
#define AV_ER_EXCEED_MAX_SIZE   -20006
#define AV_ER_SERV_NO_RESPONSE   -20007
#define AV_ER_CLIENT_NO_AVLOGIN   -20008
#define AV_ER_WRONG_VIEWACCorPWD   -20009
#define AV_ER_INVALID_SID   -20010
#define AV_ER_TIMEOUT   -20011
#define AV_ER_DATA_NOREADY   -20012
#define AV_ER_INCOMPLETE_FRAME   -20013
#define AV_ER_LOSED_THIS_FRAME   -20014
#define AV_ER_SERVER_EXIT   -20017
#define AV_ER_CLIENT_EXIT   -20018
#define AV_ER_NOT_INITIALIZED   -20019
#define AV_ER_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT   -20020
#define AV_ER_SENDIOCTRL_EXIT   -20022
#define AV_ER_NO_PERMISSION   -20023
#define AV_ER_WRONG_ACCPWD_LENGTH   -20024
#define AV_ER_IOTC_SESSION_CLOSED   -20025
#define AV_ER_IOTC_CHANNEL_IN_USED   -20027
#define AV_ER_WAIT_KEY_FRAME   -20028
#define AV_ER_SOCKET_QUEUE_FULL   -20030
#define AV_ER_DASA_CLEAN_BUFFER   -20032
#define AV_ER_NOT_SUPPORT   -20033
#define AV_ER_FAIL_CREATE_DTLS   -20035
#define AV_ER_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORT   -20037
#define AV_ER_TOKEN_EXCEED_MAX_SIZE   -20038
#define AV_ER_DTLS_WRONG_PWD   -20040
#define AV_ER_DTLS_AUTH_FAIL   -20041
#define AV_ER_FAIL_CONNECT_TO_VSAAS   -20043
#define AV_ER_PARSE_JSON_FAIL   -20044
#define AV_ER_HTTP_ERROR   -20048
#define AV_ER_NO_CLOUD_RECORD_URL   -20050
#define AV_ER_SDK_NOT_SUPPORT_DTLS   -21334
#define AV_ER_CANNOT_FIND_CIPHER   -22181


typedef enum AvSecurityMode AvSecurityMode
typedef enum AvAuthType AvAuthType
typedef struct AvIdentity AvIdentity




AVAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t avGetAVApiVer (void)
 Get the version of AV module.
const char * avGetAVApiVersionString (void)
 Get the version of AV module.
int32_t avInitialize (int32_t nMaxChannelNum)
 Initialize AV module.
int32_t avDeInitialize (void)
 Deinitialize AV module.
int32_t avSendFrameData (int32_t nAVChannelID, const char *cabFrameData, int32_t nFrameDataSize, const void *cabFrameInfo, int32_t nFrameInfoSize)
 An AV server sends frame data to an AV client.
int32_t avSendAudioData (int32_t nAVChannelID, const char *cabAudioData, int32_t nAudioDataSize, const void *cabFrameInfo, int32_t nFrameInfoSize)
 An AV server sends audio data to an AV client.
int32_t avRecvFrameData2 (int32_t nAVChannelID, char *abFrameData, int32_t nFrameDataMaxSize, int32_t *pnActualFrameSize, int32_t *pnExpectedFrameSize, char *abFrameInfo, int32_t nFrameInfoMaxSize, int32_t *pnActualFrameInfoSize, uint32_t *pnFrameIdx)
 A new version AV client receives frame data from an AV server.
int32_t avRecvAudioData (int32_t nAVChannelID, char *abAudioData, int32_t nAudioDataMaxSize, char *abFrameInfo, int32_t nFrameInfoMaxSize, uint32_t *pnFrameIdx)
 An AV client receives audio data from an AV server.
int32_t avSendIOCtrl (int32_t nAVChannelID, uint32_t nIOCtrlType, const char *cabIOCtrlData, int32_t nIOCtrlDataSize)
 Send AV IO control.
int32_t avRecvIOCtrl (int32_t nAVChannelID, uint32_t *pnIOCtrlType, char *abIOCtrlData, int32_t nIOCtrlMaxDataSize, uint32_t nTimeout)
 Receive AV IO control.
int32_t avSendIOCtrlExit (int32_t nAVChannelID)
 Used by an AV server or an AV client to exit sending IO control process.
AVAPI_API_DEPRECATED void AV_Set_Log_Path (char *path, int32_t nMaxSize)
 Set path of log file.
int32_t AV_Set_Log_Attr (LogAttr logAttr)
 Set Attribute of log file.
int32_t avSetAudioLostCondition (int32_t nAVChannelID, int32_t lostCondition)
 Set Audio Lost Condition.

Detailed Description

This file describes common AV module APIs of server and client.

Macro Definition Documentation


AV module is already initialized. It is not necessary to re-initialize.


The buffer to receive is too small to store

#define AV_ER_CANNOT_FIND_CIPHER   -22181

Cannot find any cipher suites for DTLS handshaking, please check if the parameter dtls_cipher_suites of avClientStartEx or avServStartEx is set as NULL


The AV channel of specified AV channel ID is already in reset buffer process

#define AV_ER_CLIENT_EXIT   -20018

The AV client API process is terminated by avClientExit() or avClientStop()

#define AV_ER_CLIENT_NO_AVLOGIN   -20008

An AV client does not call avClientStart() yet

#define AV_ER_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT   -20020

By design, an AV client cannot send frame and audio data to an AV server

#define AV_ER_DASA_CLEAN_BUFFER   -20032

Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over AVAPI notified program to clean buffer

#define AV_ER_DATA_NOREADY   -20012

The data is not ready for receiving yet.

#define AV_ER_DTLS_AUTH_FAIL   -20041

The server fail in authentication due to the passowrd/token auth function return value is smaller than 0

#define AV_ER_DTLS_WRONG_PWD   -20040

The server fail in authentication due to incorrect password/token with DTLS security mode enabled

#define AV_ER_EXCEED_MAX_ALARM   -20005

A warning error code to indicate that the sending queue of video frame of an AV server is almost full, probably caused by slow handling of an AV client or network issue. Please note that this is just a warning, the video frame is actually put in the queue.

#define AV_ER_EXCEED_MAX_CHANNEL   -20002

The number of AV channels has reached maximum. The maximum number of AV channels is determined by the passed-in argument of avInitialize()

#define AV_ER_EXCEED_MAX_SIZE   -20006

The frame to be sent exceeds the currently remaining video frame buffer. The maximum of video frame buffer is controlled by avServSetResendSize()

#define AV_ER_FAIL_CONNECT_TO_VSAAS   -20043

Device can't connect to VSaaS Server by https

#define AV_ER_FAIL_CREATE_DTLS   -20035

AV fails to create channel for DTLS connection.

#define AV_ER_FAIL_CREATE_THREAD   -20004

AV fails to create threads. Please check if OS has ability to create threads for AV.


AV fails to initialize DTLS module.

#define AV_ER_HTTP_ERROR   -20048

An error occurred during the http connection

#define AV_ER_INCOMPLETE_FRAME   -20013

Some parts of a frame are lost during receiving

#define AV_ER_INVALID_ARG   -20000

The passed-in arguments for the function are incorrect

#define AV_ER_INVALID_SID   -20010

The IOTC session of specified AV channel is not valid

#define AV_ER_IOTC_CHANNEL_IN_USED   -20027

IOTC channel is used by other av channel


IOTC is deinitialized

#define AV_ER_IOTC_SESSION_CLOSED   -20025

IOTC session has been closed


The client fail because server require DTLS

#define AV_ER_LOSED_THIS_FRAME   -20014

The whole frame is lost during receiving

#define AV_ER_MEM_INSUFF   -20003

Insufficient memory for allocation

#define AV_ER_NO_CLOUD_RECORD_URL   -20050

The cloud recording endpoint url not set


No notification settings

#define AV_ER_NO_PERMISSION   -20023

The UID is a lite UID

#define AV_ER_NoERROR   0

The function is performed successfully.

#define AV_ER_NOT_INITIALIZED   -20019

AV module has not been initialized

#define AV_ER_NOT_SUPPORT   -20033

Function is not support, need to using correct AV Server and AV Client

#define AV_ER_PARSE_JSON_FAIL   -20044

This JSON format cannot be parsed


Push notification already enabled


Push notification does not enable

#define AV_ER_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORT   -20037

Function is not supported on remote side.


The server fail because client not support DTLS


This IOTC session is disconnected because remote site has no any response after a specified timeout expires.


The AV channel of specified AV channel ID is already in request process

#define AV_ER_SDK_NOT_SUPPORT_DTLS   -21334

The SDK Version not support DTLS


The AV channel of specified AV channel ID is already in sending IO control process

#define AV_ER_SENDIOCTRL_EXIT   -20022

The sending IO control process is terminated by avSendIOCtrlExit()

#define AV_ER_SERV_NO_RESPONSE   -20007

The specified AV server has no response

#define AV_ER_SERVER_EXIT   -20017

The AV server API process is terminated by avServExit() or avServStop()


The remote site already closes the IOTC session. Please call IOTC_Session_Close() to release local IOTC session resource

#define AV_ER_SOCKET_QUEUE_FULL   -20030

IOTC UDP/TCP socket send queue is full.

#define AV_ER_TIMEOUT   -20011

The specified timeout has expired during some operation

#define AV_ER_TOKEN_EXCEED_MAX_SIZE   -20038

The token to be sent exceeds MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH.


VSaaS server return contract not found


VSaaS server return invalid binding


VSaaS server return invalid contract


VSaaS server return invalid device


VSaaS server return invalid parameter


VSaaS server return invalid start time format


VSaaS server return invalid start time range


Device don't enable VSaaS pulling


VSaaS server return unexpected error code

#define AV_ER_WAIT_KEY_FRAME   -20028

AV channel is waiting key frame

#define AV_ER_WRONG_ACCPWD_LENGTH   -20024

The length of password is wrong

#define AV_ER_WRONG_VIEWACCorPWD   -20009

The client fails in authentication due to incorrect view account or password

#define AV_MAX_AUDIO_DATA_SIZE   1280

The maximum size of audio data to be sent, in unit of byte.

#define AV_MAX_IOCTRL_DATA_SIZE   1024

The maximum size of AV IO Control data to be sent, in unit of byte.


The maximum length of identity description, exclude the Null character '\0', in unit of byte.


The maximum length of identity, exclude the Null character '\0', in unit of byte. If DTLS security mode is enabled, or auth type is set to AV_AUTH_TOKEN, the the max lenth of account or identity should not exceed this value.


The maximum length of timestamp, exclude the Null character character '\0', in unit of byte.


The maximum length of timestamp, exclude the Null character character '\0', in unit of byte.

#define MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH   1024

The maximum length of token, exclude the Null character character '\0', in unit of byte.


The maximum length of account, include the Null character '\0', in unit of byte. If security mode is AV_SECURITY_SIMPLE, or avClientStart/avClientStart2 is used, the the max lenth of account should not exceed this value.


The maximum length of password, include the Null character '\0', in unit of byte.


Typedef Documentation

typedef enum AvAuthType AvAuthType
typedef struct AvIdentity AvIdentity

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum AvAuthType

The types for AV IO control. AV IO control are used for AV servers and AV clients to communicate control message with each other. The types contains system defined types and user defined ones. The range of system defined types is from 0x00 to 0xFF, while user defined ones is starting from 0x100.


Used by AV clients to tell AV servers to change the time interval of sending packets by avSendFrameData() when AV clients are too slow to handle frame data.


Used by AV servers to tell AV clients statistical data.


Used by AV clients to tell AV servers statistical data.


The starting enum value of user defined IO types. It is suggested to assign this to the first one of user defined types, like


Only can be used by avClientStartEx, client will detect the security mode of av server and connect it

Function Documentation

int32_t AV_Set_Log_Attr ( LogAttr  logAttr)

Set Attribute of log file.

logAttr[in] See LogAttr
AV_ER_NoERROR on success.
The value < 0
  • AV_ER_INVALID_ARG Invalid input argument.
AVAPI_API_DEPRECATED void AV_Set_Log_Path ( char *  path,
int32_t  nMaxSize 

Set path of log file.

Set the absolute path of log file

path[in] The path of log file, NULL = disable Log
nMaxSize[in] The maximum size of log file in Bytes, 0 = unlimit
int32_t avDeInitialize ( void  )

Deinitialize AV module.

This function will deinitialize AV module.

AV_ER_NoERROR if deinitialize successfully
Error code if return value < 0
(1) This API is a blocking function.

(2) AV module shall be deinitialized before IOTC module is deinitialized.
AVAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t avGetAVApiVer ( void  )

Get the version of AV module.

This function returns the version of AV module.

The version of AV module from high byte to low byte, for example, 0x01020304 means the version is
See Also
IOTC_Get_Version(), RDT_GetRDTApiVer()
const char* avGetAVApiVersionString ( void  )

Get the version of AV module.

This function returns the version of AV module.

int32_t avInitialize ( int32_t  nMaxChannelNum)

Initialize AV module.

This function is used by AV servers or AV clients to initialize AV module and shall be called before any AV module related function is invoked.

nMaxChannelNum[in] The max number of AV channels. If it is specified less than 1, AV will set max number of AV channels as 1.
The actual maximum number of AV channels to be set.
Error code if return value < 0
int32_t avRecvAudioData ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
char *  abAudioData,
int32_t  nAudioDataMaxSize,
char *  abFrameInfo,
int32_t  nFrameInfoMaxSize,
uint32_t *  pnFrameIdx 

An AV client receives audio data from an AV server.

An AV client uses this function to receive audio data from AV server

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel to be received
abAudioData[out] The audio data to be received
nAudioDataMaxSize[in] The max size of the audio data
abFrameInfo[out] The audio frame information to be received
nFrameInfoMaxSize[in] The max size of the audio frame information
pnFrameIdx[out] The index of current receiving audio frame
The actual length of received result stored in abAudioData if successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
(1) If av client and av server both version are equal to or bigger than 3.1.10, this API could be used by both av client and av server, otherwise it can only be used by av client
(2) If av client set sync_recv_data = 1 and the sync_recv_data in return AVClientOutConfig equal to 1, then av client will get synchronized video/audio data via avRecvFrameData2() and avRecvAudioData(). If user stop calling avRecvAudioData() to receive latest audio data when sync receive data is enabled, it will result in data blocking, then avRecvFrameData2() will not receive any video data.
int32_t avRecvFrameData2 ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
char *  abFrameData,
int32_t  nFrameDataMaxSize,
int32_t *  pnActualFrameSize,
int32_t *  pnExpectedFrameSize,
char *  abFrameInfo,
int32_t  nFrameInfoMaxSize,
int32_t *  pnActualFrameInfoSize,
uint32_t *  pnFrameIdx 

A new version AV client receives frame data from an AV server.

An AV client uses this function to receive frame data from AV server

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel to be received
abFrameData[out] The frame data to be received
nFrameDataMaxSize[in] The max size of the frame data
pnActualFrameSize[in] The actual size of frame data to be received, maybe less than expected size
pnExpectedFrameSize[in] The size of frame data expect to be received that sent from av server
abFrameInfo[out] The video frame information to be received
nFrameInfoMaxSize[in] The max size of the video frame information
pnActualFrameInfoSize[in] The actual size of the video frame information to be received
pnFrameIdx[out] The index of current receiving video frame
The actual length of received result stored in abFrameData if successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
(1) If av client and av server both version are equal to or bigger than 3.1.10, this API could be used by both av client and av server, otherwise it can only be used by av client
(2) If av client set sync_recv_data = 1 and the sync_recv_data in return AVClientOutConfig equal to 1, then av client will get synchronized video/audio data via avRecvFrameData2() and avRecvAudioData(). If user stop calling avRecvFrameData2() to receive latest video data when sync receive data is enabled, it will result in data blocking, then avRecvAudioData() will not receive any audio data.
int32_t avRecvIOCtrl ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
uint32_t *  pnIOCtrlType,
char *  abIOCtrlData,
int32_t  nIOCtrlMaxDataSize,
uint32_t  nTimeout 

Receive AV IO control.

This function is used by AV servers or AV clients to receive a AV IO control.

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel to receive IO control
pnIOCtrlType[out] The type of received IO control
abIOCtrlData[out] The buffer of received IO control data
nIOCtrlMaxDataSize[in] The max length of buffer of received IO control data
nTimeout[in] The timeout for this function in unit of million-second, give 0 means return immediately
The actual length of received result stored in abIOCtrlData if receiving IO control successfully
Error code if return value < 0
(1) This API is a blocking function.

(2) Recommended value of timeout: > 1000 millisecond (3) On Big-endian device, users should handle the byte order translation of abIOCtrlData, TUTK SDK will handle the byte order translation of pnIOCtrlType in AVAPI.
See Also
int32_t avSendAudioData ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
const char *  cabAudioData,
int32_t  nAudioDataSize,
const void *  cabFrameInfo,
int32_t  nFrameInfoSize 

An AV server sends audio data to an AV client.

An AV server uses this function to send audio data to AV client

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel to be sent
cabAudioData[in] The audio data to be sent
nAudioDataSize[in] The size of the audio data
cabFrameInfo[in] The audio frame information to be sent
nFrameInfoSize[in] The size of the audio frame information
AV_ER_NoERROR if sending successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
(1) If av client and av server both version are equal to or bigger than 3.1.10, this API could be used by both av client and av server, otherwise it can only be used by av server
int32_t avSendFrameData ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
const char *  cabFrameData,
int32_t  nFrameDataSize,
const void *  cabFrameInfo,
int32_t  nFrameInfoSize 

An AV server sends frame data to an AV client.

An AV server uses this function to send frame data to AV client

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel to be sent
cabFrameData[in] The frame data to be sent
nFrameDataSize[in] The size of the frame data
cabFrameInfo[in] The video frame information to be sent
nFrameInfoSize[in] The size of the video frame information
AV_ER_NoERROR if sending successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
(1) If av client and av server both version are equal to or bigger than 3.1.10, this API could be used by both av client and av server, otherwise it can only be used by av server
int32_t avSendIOCtrl ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
uint32_t  nIOCtrlType,
const char *  cabIOCtrlData,
int32_t  nIOCtrlDataSize 

Send AV IO control.

This function is used by AV servers or AV clients to send a AV IO control.

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel to send IO control
nIOCtrlType[in] The type of IO control
cabIOCtrlData[in] The buffer of IO control data
nIOCtrlDataSize[in] The length of IO control data
AV_ER_NoERROR if sending successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
avRecvIOCtrl(), avSendIOCtrlExit()
(1) This API is a blocking function and it will wait until having acknowledgment from the receiver. (2) On Big-endian device, users should handle the byte order translation of cabIOCtrlData, TUTK SDK will handle the byte order translation of nIOCtrlType in AVAPI. (3) The nIOCtrlDataSize value must be less than 131068 bytes.
int32_t avSendIOCtrlExit ( int32_t  nAVChannelID)

Used by an AV server or an AV client to exit sending IO control process.

Since avSendIOCtrl() process is a block process and that means the caller has to wait for the acknowledgment from the receipt before avSendIOCtrl() returns. In some cases, caller may want to exit sending immediately by this function in another thread.

nAVChannelID[in] The channel ID of the AV channel in sending IO control
AV_ER_NoERROR if sending successfully
Error code if return value < 0
int32_t avSetAudioLostCondition ( int32_t  nAVChannelID,
int32_t  lostCondition 

Set Audio Lost Condition.

lostCondition[in] maximum audio frame number different using in check audio lost
Error code if return value < 0