#include "TUTKGlobalAPIs.h"
Data Structures | |
struct | st_SInfo |
struct | st_SInfoEx |
struct | st_LanSearchInfo |
struct | st_LanSearchInfo2 |
struct | st_SearchDeviceInfo |
struct | IOTCConnectInput |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct st_SInfo | st_SInfo_t |
typedef struct st_SInfoEx | st_SInfoEx_t |
typedef struct st_LanSearchInfo | st_LanSearchInfo_t |
typedef struct st_LanSearchInfo2 | st_LanSearchInfo2_t |
typedef struct st_SearchDeviceInfo | st_SearchDeviceInfo_t |
typedef struct IOTCConnectInput | IOTCConnectInput |
typedef void(__stdcall * | sessionStatusCB )(int32_t nIOTCSessionID, int32_t nErrorCode) |
typedef void(__stdcall * | ConnectModeChangeCB )(int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint32_t nConnMode) |
Enumerations | |
enum | IOTCAuthenticationType { AUTHENTICATE_BY_KEY } |
Functions | |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED void | IOTC_Get_Version (uint32_t *pnVersion) |
Get the version of IOTC module. | |
const char * | IOTC_Get_Version_String (void) |
Get the version of IOTC module. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Set_Max_Session_Number (int32_t nMaxSessionNum) |
Set the max number of IOTC sessions of IOTC module. | |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t | IOTC_Initialize (uint16_t nUDPPort, const char *cszP2PHostNamePrimary, const char *cszP2PHostNameSecondary, const char *cszP2PHostNameThird, const char *cszP2PHostNameFourth) |
Initialize IOTC module. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Initialize2 (uint16_t nUDPPort) |
Initialize IOTC module. | |
int32_t | IOTC_DeInitialize (void) |
Deinitialize IOTC module. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Get_SessionID (void) |
Used by a client to get a tutk_platform_free session ID. | |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t | IOTC_Session_Read_Check_Lost (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, char *abBuf, int32_t nMaxBufSize, uint32_t nTimeout, uint16_t *pnPacketSN, int8_t *pbFlagLost, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID) |
Used by a device or a client to read data from the other. | |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t | IOTC_Session_Check (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, struct st_SInfo *psSessionInfo) |
Used by a device or a client to check the IOTC session info. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Check_Ex (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, struct st_SInfoEx *psSessionInfo) |
Used by a device or a client to check the IOTC session info. | |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t | IOTC_Session_Check_ByCallBackFn (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, sessionStatusCB pfxSessionStatusFn) |
Used by a device or a client to get the session status. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Read (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, char *abBuf, int32_t nMaxBufSize, uint32_t nTimeout, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID) |
Used by a device or a client to read data from the other. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Write (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, const char *cabBuf, int32_t nBufSize, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID) |
Used by a device or a client to write data to the other. | |
void | IOTC_Session_Close (int32_t nIOTCSessionID) |
Used by a device or a client to close a IOTC session. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Get_Free_Channel (int32_t nIOTCSessionID) |
Used by a device or a client to get a tutk_platform_free IOTC channel. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Channel_ON (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID) |
Used by a device or a client to turn on a IOTC channel. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Channel_OFF (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID) |
Used by a device or a client to turn off a IOTC channel. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Session_Channel_Check_ON_OFF (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID) |
Used by a device or a client to check whether the IOTC channel is ON or OFF. | |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED void | IOTC_Set_Log_Path (char *path, int32_t nMaxSize) |
Set path of log file. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Set_Log_Attr (LogAttr logAttr) |
Set Attribute of log file. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Set_Partial_Encryption (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint8_t bPartialEncryption) |
Set partial encode On/Off. | |
void | IOTC_TCPRelayOnly_TurnOn (void) |
Turn on only TCP relay mode function. | |
int32_t | IOTC_ReInitSocket (uint16_t nUDPPort) |
ReInitialize IOTC module socket. | |
void | IOTC_Setup_Session_Alive_Timeout (uint32_t nTimeout) |
Setup session alive timeout value. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Set_LanSearchPort (uint32_t nPort) |
Change default LAN search port. | |
int32_t | IOTC_Set_Master_Pub_Key (const char *nMasterKey) |
Set RSA Public Key for Master Server. | |
This file describes common IOTC module APIs of device and client.
For IOTC Authorization
#define IOTC_ER_ABORTED -52 |
The function is aborted by related function.
A client fails to pass certification of a device due to incorrect key.
IOTC module is already initialized. It is not necessary to re-initialize.
#define IOTC_ER_BLOCKED_CALL -49 |
The function call is a blocking call and was called by other thread.
IOTC servers cannot locate the specified device, probably caused by disconnection from the device or that device does not login yet.
#define IOTC_ER_CH_NOT_ON -26 |
The IOTC channel of specified channel ID is not turned on before transferring data.
A client wants to connect to a device in non-secure mode while that device supports secure mode only.
A client wants to connect to a device in secure mode while that device does not support secure mode.
The remote device no more free session can be connected.
The device is banned and locked, this error code is no longer being used
Device is in sleep mode.
The connecting device has duplicated loggin and may unconnectable.
The client fails to connect to a device because the device is not listening for connections.
A device does not support connection in secure mode
Being rejected by device due to disable authentication
All Server response can not find device
Being rejected by device due to the wrong auth key
Being rejected by device due to the wrong IOTCPort
A device does not support connection in non-secure mode
#define IOTC_ER_DID_NOT_LOGIN -70 |
Some functions can only be called after device login success
Need to login with IOTC_Device_loginEx not IOTC_Device_login
The buffer size exceed maximum packet size.
The number of IOTC sessions has reached maximum. To increase the max number of IOTC sessions, please use IOTC_Set_Max_Session_Number() before initializing IOTC module.
#define IOTC_ER_EXIT_LISTEN -39 |
A device stops listening for connections from clients.
A client stops connecting to a device by calling IOTC_Connect_Stop()
IOTC module fails to create Mutexes when doing initialization. Please check if OS has sufficient Mutexes for IOTC platform.
IOTC module fails to create sockets. if you are using Android, please check if android.permission.INTERNET setting is enabled. Otherwise, please check if your platform supports socket service
IOTC module fails to create threads. Please check if OS has ability to create threads for IOTC module.
IOTC module fails to get the local IP address
IOTC masters cannot be resolved their domain name, probably caused by network connection or DNS setting issues.
A client fails to connect to a device via relay mode
IOTC module fails to bind sockets
IOTC module fails to set up socket options.
#define IOTC_ER_INVALID_ARG -46 |
The arguments passed to a function is invalid.
#define IOTC_ER_INVALID_SID -14 |
The specified IOTC session ID is not valid. OR the SID of the session is closed. A valid SID must be -1 < SID < max_session_number which is set by IOTC_Set_Max_Session_Number and be got by IOTC_Connect_*.
The device already start to listen for connections from clients. It is not necessary to listen again.
The device is already under login process currently so it is prohibited to invoke login again at this moment.
IOTC master server is invalid
IOTC master servers have no response, probably caused by many types of Internet connection issues.
#define IOTC_ER_MASTER_TOO_FEW -28 |
Too few masters are specified when initializing IOTC module. Two masters are required for initialization at minimum.
Network is unreachable, please check the network settings
Cannot find a path to write data
The specified device does not support advance function (TCP relay and P2PTunnel module)
#define IOTC_ER_NO_SERVER_LIST -44 |
No IOTC server information while device login or client connect because no IOTC server is running or not add IOTC server list
#define IOTC_ER_NoERROR 0 |
The function is performed successfully.
Out of memory
IOTC module is not initialized yet. Please use IOTC_Initialize() or IOTC_Initialize2() for initialization.
#define IOTC_ER_NOT_SUPPORT -63 |
The feature is not supported.
#define IOTC_ER_NOT_SUPPORT_PE -47 |
The remote device not support partial encoding.
A client fails to use UDP relay mode to connect to a device because UDP relay mode is not supported for that device by IOTC servers
#define IOTC_ER_QUEUE_FULL -62 |
IOTC Write reliable send queue is full.
Remote doesn't support this function.
This IOTC session is disconnected because remote site has no any response after a specified timeout expires, i.e. IOTC_SESSION_ALIVE_TIMEOUT
Rental server return failed doing remote request
Rental server return failed generating uid
Rental server return failed insert to master
Rental server return failed retrieving server list
Rental server return invalid parameter
Rental server return invalid remote response
Rental server return invalid validation
Rental server return invalid vendor
Rental server return invalid vpg uid
Rental server return realm not found
Unknown rental server error
IOTC module has some resource allocating problem.
IOTC servers have no response, probably caused by many types of Internet connection issues.
Server does not support this feature.
Start function is not called
The remote site already closes this IOTC session. Please call IOTC_Session_Close() to release IOTC session resource in locate site.
The session was closed.
#define IOTC_ER_SESSION_IN_USE -72 |
The function call is being rejected because there is at least one IOTC session in use
The number of IOTC channels for a IOTC session has reached maximum, say, MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER
Already in processing
Cannot connect to IOTC servers in TCP
Device doesn't support this feature on TCP mode.
Cannot connect to masters neither UDP mode nor TCP mode by IP or host name ways
#define IOTC_ER_TIMEOUT -13 |
The specified timeout has expired during the execution of some IOTC module service. For most cases, it is caused by slow response of remote site or network connection issues
The specified device's name is unknown to the IOTC servers
#define IOTC_ER_UNLICENSE -10 |
The specified UID is not licensed or expired.
IOTC_WakeUp_Init isn't called
#define IOTC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1388 |
The maximum size, in byte, of the buffer used in IOTC_Session_Read(), IOTC_Session_Write() and IOTC_Session_Read_Check_Lost().
The timeout, in unit of second, for keeping an IOTC session alive since the last time remote site has response
The maximum number of IOTC channels for each IOTC session
#define P2PAPI_API __declspec(dllimport) |
typedef void(__stdcall * ConnectModeChangeCB)(int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint32_t nConnMode) |
The prototype of connection mode change function, used by a device or client to be notified if connection mode is changed.
nIOTCSessionID | [out] return effected session ID |
nConnMode | [out] return the current connection mode
typedef struct IOTCConnectInput IOTCConnectInput |
typedef void(__stdcall * sessionStatusCB)(int32_t nIOTCSessionID, int32_t nErrorCode) |
The prototype of getting session status function, used by a device or client to be notified if session is disconnected.
nIOTCSessionID | [out] The session ID of the session being disconnected |
nErrorCode | [out]
typedef struct st_LanSearchInfo2 st_LanSearchInfo2_t |
Device search info, containing all the information and device name when client searches devices in LAN.
typedef struct st_LanSearchInfo st_LanSearchInfo_t |
Device search info, containing all the information when client searches devices in LAN.
typedef struct st_SearchDeviceInfo st_SearchDeviceInfo_t |
Device search info, containing all the information and device name when client searches devices in LAN.
typedef struct st_SInfo st_SInfo_t |
IOTC session info, containing all the information when a IOTC session is established between a device and a client. Users can use IOTC_Session_Check() to get IOTC session information.
typedef struct st_SInfoEx st_SInfoEx_t |
IOTC session info, containing all the information when a IOTC session is established between a device and a client. Users can use IOTC_Session_Check_Ex() to get IOTC session information.
enum IOTCSessionMode |
IOTC session mode, used in IOTC_Listen2(), IOTC_Connect_ByUID2() to specify what kinds of IOTC session that devices will listen or clients will connect.
IOTC session will be established in non-secure mode.
IOTC session will be established in secure mode.
IOTC session will be established in either non-secure or secure mode, depending on remote site's request. Can use IOTC_Session_Check() to check what mode is actually used.
int32_t IOTC_DeInitialize | ( | void | ) |
Deinitialize IOTC module.
This function will deinitialize IOTC module.
int32_t IOTC_Get_SessionID | ( | void | ) |
Used by a client to get a tutk_platform_free session ID.
This function is for a client to get a tutk_platform_free session ID used for a parameter of IOTC_Connect_ByUID_Parallel().
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED void IOTC_Get_Version | ( | uint32_t * | pnVersion | ) |
Get the version of IOTC module.
This function returns the version of IOTC module.
pnVersion | [out] The version of IOTC module. It contains the version from high byte to low byte, for example, 0x01020304 means the version is |
const char* IOTC_Get_Version_String | ( | void | ) |
Get the version of IOTC module.
This function returns the version of IOTC module.
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t IOTC_Initialize | ( | uint16_t | nUDPPort, |
const char * | cszP2PHostNamePrimary, | ||
const char * | cszP2PHostNameSecondary, | ||
const char * | cszP2PHostNameThird, | ||
const char * | cszP2PHostNameFourth | ||
) |
Initialize IOTC module.
This function is deprecated, you should use IOTC_Initialize instead. This function is used by devices or clients to initialize IOTC module and shall be called before any IOTC module related function is invoked except for IOTC_Set_Max_Session_Number().
nUDPPort | [in] Specify a UDP port. Random UDP port is used if it is specified as 0. |
cszP2PHostNamePrimary | [in] Specify the host name or IP address of the primary master. Cannot be NULL. See attention below for more detail. |
cszP2PHostNameSecondary | [in] Specify the host name or IP address of the secondary master. Cannot be NULL. See attention below for more detail. |
cszP2PHostNameThird | [in] Specify the host name or IP address of the third master. Can be NULL if only two masters are required. See attention below for more detail. |
cszP2PHostNameFourth | [in] Specify the host name or IP address of the fourth master. Can be NULL if only two masters are required. See attention below for more detail. |
int32_t IOTC_Initialize2 | ( | uint16_t | nUDPPort | ) |
Initialize IOTC module.
This function is used by devices or clients to initialize IOTC module and shall be called before any IOTC module related function is invoked except for IOTC_Set_Max_Session_Number().
The different between this function and IOTC_Initialize() is this function uses following steps to connect masters (1) IP addresses of master (2) if fails to connect in step 1, resolve predefined domain name of masters (3) try to connect again with the resolved IP address of step 2 if IP is resolved successfully.
nUDPPort | [in] Specify a UDP port. Random UDP port is used if it is specified as 0. |
int32_t IOTC_ReInitSocket | ( | uint16_t | nUDPPort | ) |
ReInitialize IOTC module socket.
This function will reopen P2P UDP socket of IOTC module. It is useful for iOS APP from backgroud to foreground will cause socket failed.
nUDPPort | [in] Specify a UDP port. Random UDP port is used if it is specified as 0. |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Channel_Check_ON_OFF | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
uint8_t | nIOTCChannelID | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to check whether the IOTC channel is ON or OFF.
A device or a client uses this function to turn on a IOTC channel before sending or receiving data through this IOTC channel.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session containing the IOTC channel to be checked |
nIOTCChannelID | [in] The channel ID of the IOTC channel to be checked |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Channel_OFF | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
uint8_t | nIOTCChannelID | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to turn off a IOTC channel.
A device or a client uses this function to turn off a IOTC channel when this IOTC channel is no longer needed for communication.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session containing the IOTC channel to be turned off |
nIOTCChannelID | [in] The channel ID of the IOTC channel to be turned off |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Channel_ON | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
uint8_t | nIOTCChannelID | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to turn on a IOTC channel.
A device or a client uses this function to turn on a IOTC channel before sending or receiving data through this IOTC channel.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session containing the IOTC channel to be turned on |
nIOTCChannelID | [in] The channel ID of the IOTC channel to be turned on |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t IOTC_Session_Check | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
struct st_SInfo * | psSessionInfo | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to check the IOTC session info.
A device or a client may use this function to check if the IOTC session is still alive as well as getting the IOTC session info.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to be checked |
psSessionInfo | [out] The session info of specified IOTC session |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t IOTC_Session_Check_ByCallBackFn | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
sessionStatusCB | pfxSessionStatusFn | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to get the session status.
This function gets the session status between device and client.
The difference of this function and IOTC_Session_Check() is this function will set callback function inside IOTC module and that callback function will be invoked whenever the session status between device and client disconnected, for example, IOTC alive timeout or one side call IOTC_Session_Close() to close this session.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to check status |
pfxSessionStatusFn | [in] The function pointer to getting session status function |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Check_Ex | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
struct st_SInfoEx * | psSessionInfo | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to check the IOTC session info.
A device or a client may use this function to check if the IOTC session is still alive as well as getting the IOTC session info. The structure size must be filled. For example "info.size=sizeof(struct st_SInfoEx);"
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to be checked |
psSessionInfo | [out] The session info of specified IOTC session |
void IOTC_Session_Close | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID | ) |
Used by a device or a client to close a IOTC session.
A device or a client uses this function to close a IOTC session specified by its session ID if this IOTC session is no longer required. If the closed SID is used for other APIs, the API should return IOTC_ER_INVALID_SID.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to be closed |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Get_Free_Channel | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID | ) |
Used by a device or a client to get a tutk_platform_free IOTC channel.
A device or a client uses this function to get a tutk_platform_free IOTC channel in a specified IOTC session. By default, IOTC channel of ID 0 is turned on once a IOTC session is established. If more IOTC channels are required by users, this function can always return a tutk_platform_free IOTC channel until maximum IOTC channels are reached.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to get tutk_platform_free IOTC channel |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Read | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
char * | abBuf, | ||
int32_t | nMaxBufSize, | ||
uint32_t | nTimeout, | ||
uint8_t | nIOTCChannelID | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to read data from the other.
A device or a client uses this function to read data through a specific IOTC channel in a IOTC session.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to read data |
abBuf | [out] The array of byte buffer to receive read result |
nMaxBufSize | [in] The maximum length of the byte buffer |
nTimeout | [in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means return immediately |
nIOTCChannelID | [in] The IOTC channel ID in this IOTC session to read data |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t IOTC_Session_Read_Check_Lost | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
char * | abBuf, | ||
int32_t | nMaxBufSize, | ||
uint32_t | nTimeout, | ||
uint16_t * | pnPacketSN, | ||
int8_t * | pbFlagLost, | ||
uint8_t | nIOTCChannelID | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to read data from the other.
A device or a client uses this function to read data through a specific IOTC channel in a IOTC session.
The difference between this function and IOTC_Session_Read() is this function provides packet lost information. Users may use this to check how many packets, if any, have been lost since the last time reading from this session.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to read data |
abBuf | [out] The array of byte buffer to receive read result |
nMaxBufSize | [in] The maximum length of the byte buffer |
nTimeout | [in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means return immediately |
pnPacketSN | [out] The serial number of the packet that is read successfully this time. Could be NULL. |
pbFlagLost | [out] A boolean value to indicate if there are some packets lost between this time and previous successful read. Could be NULL. |
nIOTCChannelID | [in] The IOTC channel ID in this IOTC session to read data |
int32_t IOTC_Session_Write | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
const char * | cabBuf, | ||
int32_t | nBufSize, | ||
uint8_t | nIOTCChannelID | ||
) |
Used by a device or a client to write data to the other.
A device or a client uses this function to write data through a specific IOTC channel in a IOTC session.
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to write data |
cabBuf | [in] The array of byte buffer containing the data to write. Its size cannot be larger than IOTC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE |
nBufSize | [in] The length of the byte buffer. It cannot be larger than IOTC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE |
nIOTCChannelID | [in] The IOTC channel ID in this IOTC session to write data |
int32_t IOTC_Set_LanSearchPort | ( | uint32_t | nPort | ) |
Change default LAN search port.
Both device and client must have the same LAN search port, otherwise client cannot find device by IOTC_Device_Search_Start or IOTC_LAN_Search
nPort | [in] Pass the customized LAN search port |
int32_t IOTC_Set_Log_Attr | ( | LogAttr | logAttr | ) |
Set Attribute of log file.
logAttr | [in] See LogAttr |
P2PAPI_API_DEPRECATED void IOTC_Set_Log_Path | ( | char * | path, |
int32_t | nMaxSize | ||
) |
Set path of log file.
Set the absolute path of log file
path | [in] The path of log file, NULL = disable Log |
nMaxSize | [in] The maximum size of log file in Bytes, 0 = unlimited |
int32_t IOTC_Set_Master_Pub_Key | ( | const char * | nMasterKey | ) |
Set RSA Public Key for Master Server.
This API is useful for when there is a need to set a specific key for master server. If not set, the "default" key will be used.
nMasterKey | [in] The RSA Public key that should be used |
int32_t IOTC_Set_Max_Session_Number | ( | int32_t | nMaxSessionNum | ) |
Set the max number of IOTC sessions of IOTC module.
This function set the max number of allowable IOTC sessions in IOTC module. The max number of IOTC session limits the max number of connected clients in device side, while it limits the max number connected devices in client side. A device or a client could use this function to reduce the number of IOTC sessions in order to save some memory usage.
nMaxSessionNum | [in] The max number of IOTC sessions |
int32_t IOTC_Set_Partial_Encryption | ( | int32_t | nIOTCSessionID, |
uint8_t | bPartialEncryption | ||
) |
Set partial encode On/Off.
Set partial encode On/Off
nIOTCSessionID | [in] The session ID of the IOTC session to be encrypted. |
bPartialEncryption | [in] 1: Enable partial encode, 0: Disable partial encode |
void IOTC_Setup_Session_Alive_Timeout | ( | uint32_t | nTimeout | ) |
Setup session alive timeout value.
the default alive timeout value is 60 seconds since version, this function could help you to change the alive timeout value
nTimeout | [in] The timeout for this function in unit of second |
(2) Recommended value of timeout: > 30 secs
void IOTC_TCPRelayOnly_TurnOn | ( | void | ) |
Turn on only TCP relay mode function.
When device call this will login via TCP and only can be connected via LAN or TCP relay mode. When client call this will connect to device only via LAN or TCP relay mode.