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NebulaClient.h File Reference
#include "NebulaCommon.h"

Data Structures

struct  NebulaClientCtx
struct  NebulaClientInfo


typedef struct NebulaClientCtx NebulaClientCtx
typedef struct NebulaClientInfo NebulaClientInfo
typedef void(__stdcall * NebulaClientConnectStateFn )(NebulaClientCtx *client, NebulaClientLoginState state)
 The prototype of client connect state callback function.




NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_New (const char *public_udid, NebulaClientCtx **ctx)
 Generat client context for Nebula module at first time.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_New_From_Struct (NebulaClientInfo *client_info, NebulaClientCtx **ctx)
 Generate client context with device's information for Nebula module.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_New_From_String (const char *public_udid, const char *string_data, NebulaClientCtx **ctx)
 Generate client context with device's information for Nebula module.
NEBULA_API char * Nebula_Client_To_String (NebulaClientCtx *ctx)
 Generating device's information for client which used to create client's context.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Bind (NebulaClientCtx *ctx, const char *pin_code, TUTKJsonObject **bind_response, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Pairing Nebula Client and Device.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Free_Bind_Response (TUTKJsonObject *bind_response)
 Release response data of Nebula_Client_Bind.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Connect (NebulaClientCtx *ctx, NebulaClientConnectStateFn connect_state_handler, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Client connect to Bridge server.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Send_Command (NebulaClientCtx *ctx, const char *request, TUTKJsonObject **response, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Send Nubula command message to Device.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Free_Send_Command_Response (TUTKJsonObject *response)
 Release response data of Nebula_Client_Send_Command.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Wakeup_Device (NebulaClientCtx *ctx, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Wake up sleep device.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Check_Device_Online (NebulaClientCtx *client, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Check device online.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Delete (NebulaClientCtx *ctx)
 Release client context.

Detailed Description

This file describes Nebula module APIs for client.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(__stdcall * NebulaClientConnectStateFn)(NebulaClientCtx *client, NebulaClientLoginState state)

The prototype of client connect state callback function.

This callback function is called when client connect state changed.

client[in] client's context generate by Nebula_Client_New()
state[in] the connect state of Nebula client
See Also

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Bind ( NebulaClientCtx ctx,
const char *  pin_code,
TUTKJsonObject **  bind_response,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Pairing Nebula Client and Device.

This function is used when Nebula client want to bind a Nebula device. Device and client need to use same pin code when doing binding process, after bind success, client will get infomations that is needed for establish a connection to device.

client_ctx[in] Nebula context of client, it's from Nebula_Client_New() or Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
pin_code[in] Same PIN code of Nebula_Device_Bind()
bind_response[out] The bind response json object,this object has identity, avToken and authKey
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if bind to a device successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
Nebula_Device_Bind(), Nebula_Client_New(), Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
(1) Recommended value of timeout: 1000 millisecond ~ 30000 millisecond (2) Once the client bind to a sepecific device successfully, there is no need to do binding again when client want to connect to the device next time.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Check_Device_Online ( NebulaClientCtx client,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Check device online.

This function will check if device login to bridge server

ctx[in] Nebula context of client, it's from Nebula_Client_New() or Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if device login to bridge server
Error code if return value < 0
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Connect ( NebulaClientCtx ctx,
NebulaClientConnectStateFn  connect_state_handler,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Client connect to Bridge server.

This function is used by client to connect to bridge server. Client will create persistent connection with bridge server for reduce delay of send command This function is unnecessary before Nebula_Client_Send_Command()

ctx[in]client's context generate by Nebula_Client_New()
connect_state_handler[in]this function will be call when connect status change
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if login to Nebula server successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
Nebula_Client_New() ,Nebula_Client_New_From_Struct(), Nebula_Client_New_From_String(), Nebula_Client_Send_Command()
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Delete ( NebulaClientCtx ctx)

Release client context.

This function will free client context that created by Nebula_Client_New()

client_ctx[in] Nebula context of client, it's from Nebula_Client_New() or Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if delete client context successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
Nebula_Client_New(), Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Free_Bind_Response ( TUTKJsonObject bind_response)

Release response data of Nebula_Client_Bind.

This function is used to release json response data from Nebula_Client_Bind, you must call it after you got the json response data from Nebula_Client_Bind

bind_response[in] This json response data pointer
#Nebula_ER_NoERROR if free json response data pointer successfully
Error code if return value < 0
  • #Nebula_ER_INVALID_ARG The bind_response in null
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Free_Send_Command_Response ( TUTKJsonObject response)

Release response data of Nebula_Client_Send_Command.

This function is used to release json response data from Nebula_Client_Send_Command, you must call it after you got the json response data from Nebula_Client_Send_Command

response[in] This json response data pointer
#Nebula_ER_NoERROR if free json response data pointer successfully
Error code if return value < 0
  • #Nebula_ER_INVALID_ARG The response in null
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_New ( const char *  public_udid,
NebulaClientCtx **  ctx 

Generat client context for Nebula module at first time.

This function will generate client context for Nebula module. Client API for Nebula module need this context to work. Client need to call this api if never bind to device before. User can call Nebula_Client_New_From_String replace this api if user already bind to device.

public_udid[in] device's public_udid for Nebula module
ctx[out]client's context generate by Nebula_Client_New or Nebula_Client_New_From_String;
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if generate client context successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_New_From_String ( const char *  public_udid,
const char *  string_data,
NebulaClientCtx **  ctx 

Generate client context with device's information for Nebula module.

This function will generate client context for Nebula module. Client API for Nebula module need this context to work. Client call this api if have bind to device and get device'information before.

public_udid[in] device's public_udid for Nebula module
string_data[in] client's information that return by Nebula_Client_To_String.
ctx[out]client's context generate by Nebula_Client_New or Nebula_Client_New_From_String;
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if generate client context successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_New_From_Struct ( NebulaClientInfo client_info,
NebulaClientCtx **  ctx 

Generate client context with device's information for Nebula module.

This function will generate client context for Nebula module. Client API for Nebula module need this context to work. Client call this api if have bind to device and get device'information before.

NebulaClientInfo[in] the necessary informations from Nebula device
ctx[out]client's context generate by Nebula_Client_New or Nebula_Client_New_From_String;
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if generate client context successfully
Error code if return value < 0
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Send_Command ( NebulaClientCtx ctx,
const char *  request,
TUTKJsonObject **  response,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Send Nubula command message to Device.

This function is used by Nebula client to send a command in json format. User can get response from Nebula device through the output response buffer. This function is not support for Nebula device currently.

client_ctx[in] Nebula context of client, it's from Nebula_Client_New() or Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
request[in] JSON string of Nebula request
response[out] The bind response json object
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if exchange successfully
Error code if return value < 0
(1) Recommended value of timeout: 1000 millisecond ~ 30000 millisecond
NEBULA_API char* Nebula_Client_To_String ( NebulaClientCtx ctx)

Generating device's information for client which used to create client's context.

This function will generate device's information in json string after bind to device successfully. This api must be used after calling Nebula_Client_Bind.

ctx[in]client's context generate by Nebula_Client_New or Nebula_Client_New_From_String;
null if ctx's psk, secret_id or identity is null
See Also
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Client_Wakeup_Device ( NebulaClientCtx ctx,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Wake up sleep device.

This function will wakeup sleeping device by sending wakeup pattern in Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet()

ctx[in] Nebula context of client, it's from Nebula_Client_New() or Nebula_Client_New_From_String()
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if wakeup device successfully
Error code if return value < 0