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NebulaDevice.h File Reference
#include "NebulaCommon.h"

Data Structures

struct  NebulaDeviceCtx
struct  NebulaSleepConfig
struct  NebulaWakeUpData
struct  NebulaPushFileObject


#define MAX_PROFILE_LENGTH   45000
#define MAX_LONG_SLEEP_TCP_ALIVE_SEC   (3*60*60)


typedef struct NebulaDeviceCtx NebulaDeviceCtx
typedef enum NebulaSocketProtocol NebulaSocketProtocol
typedef struct NebulaSleepConfig NebulaSleepConfig
typedef struct NebulaWakeUpData NebulaWakeUpData
typedef struct NebulaPushFileObject NebulaPushFileObject
typedef void(__stdcall * NebulaIdentityHandleFn )(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, const char *identity, char *psk, unsigned int psk_size)
 The prototype of identity handle callback function.
typedef int(__stdcall * NebulaCommandHandleFn )(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, const char *identity, const char *func, const TUTKJsonObject *args, TUTKJsonObject **response)
 The prototype of command handle callback function.
typedef int(__stdcall * NebulaSettingsChangeHandleFn )(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, const char *settings)
 The prototype of deivce setting change handle callback function.
typedef int(__stdcall * NebulaDeviceLoginStateFn )(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, NebulaDeviceLoginState state)
 The prototype of deivce login state callback function.


enum  NebulaSocketProtocol { NEBULA_PROTO_TCP, NEBULA_PROTO_UDP }


NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_New (const char *udid, const char *secret_id, const char *profile, NebulaCommandHandleFn command_handler, NebulaIdentityHandleFn identity_handler, NebulaSettingsChangeHandleFn settings_change_handler, NebulaDeviceCtx **ctx)
 Generat Device context for Nebula module.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Login (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, NebulaDeviceLoginStateFn login_state_handler)
 Device login to Bridge server.
NEBULA_API int32_t Nebula_Device_Max_Command_Handler_Thread_Count (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, int32_t thread_count)
 Device set max command handler thread count.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Bind (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, const char *pin_code, const char *psk, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Device bind to a client.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_New_Credential (const char *udid, const char *identity, const char *psk, const char *secret_id, char **credential)
 Device generate bind message for client.
NEBULA_API_DEPRECATED int Nebula_Device_New_Local_Bind_Message (const char *udid, const char *psk, const char *secret_id, char **bind_message_string)
 Device generate bind message for client.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Load_Settings (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, const char *settings)
 Nebula device load settings.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Push_Notification (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, TUTKJsonObject *notification_obj, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Nebula device push a notification to server.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Push_Thumbnail (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, TUTKJsonObject *notification_obj, NebulaPushFileObject *thumbnail_obj, unsigned int timeout_msec, unsigned int *abort_flag)
 Nebula device push a notification to server with thumbnail.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Delete (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx)
 Release device context.
NEBULA_API_DEPRECATED int Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, const unsigned char *pattern, unsigned int pattern_size, NebulaSocketProtocol protocol, NebulaWakeUpData **data, unsigned int *data_count, unsigned int timeout_ms)
 Get packet to keep alive when device sleeping.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_PacketEx (NebulaDeviceCtx *ctx, NebulaSleepConfig *config, NebulaWakeUpData **data, unsigned int *data_count, unsigned int timeout_ms)
 Get packet to keep alive when device sleeping.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Free_Sleep_Packet (NebulaWakeUpData *data)
 Release wake up data from Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet.

Detailed Description

This file describes Nebula module APIs for device.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MAX_LONG_SLEEP_TCP_ALIVE_SEC   (3*60*60)
#define MAX_PROFILE_LENGTH   45000

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(__stdcall * NebulaCommandHandleFn)(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, const char *identity, const char *func, const TUTKJsonObject *args, TUTKJsonObject **response)

The prototype of command handle callback function.

This callback function is called when Nebula client send request to Nebula device. Nebula device should handle the request and send an appropriate response. The profile or document might describe getNightMode as { "func":"getNightMode", "return": { "value":"Int" } } and setNightMode as { "func":"setNightMode", "args":{ "value":"Int" } } When the value of night mode is 10, please make a JSON response as { "value": 10 } There is no need to add key "content" here

device[in] Device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
identity[in] The identity from Nebula client
fun[out] The json object name
args[out] The json object
response[in] The json response object
See Also
typedef int(__stdcall * NebulaDeviceLoginStateFn)(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, NebulaDeviceLoginState state)

The prototype of deivce login state callback function.

This callback function is called when device login state changed.

device[in] device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
state[in] the login state of Nebula device
See Also
typedef void(__stdcall * NebulaIdentityHandleFn)(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, const char *identity, char *psk, unsigned int psk_size)

The prototype of identity handle callback function.

This callback function is called when Nebula module need to decrypt the data from Nebula client. Nebula device is required to provide the correspond psk when this callback is called.

device[in] device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
identity[in] the identity from Nebula client
psk[out] the pre share key keep in device that is correspond with the specific identity
psk_size[in] size of psk.
See Also
typedef int(__stdcall * NebulaSettingsChangeHandleFn)(NebulaDeviceCtx *device, const char *settings)

The prototype of deivce setting change handle callback function.

This callback function is called when settings of Nebula device changed. Nebula device should have a safekeeping of settings and should use Nebula_Device_Load_Settings() to load the settings when Nebula device restart next time.

device[in] device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
settings[in] the encrypted settings string of Nebula device
See Also
Nebula_Device_New() Nebula_Device_Load_Settings()

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Bind ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
const char *  pin_code,
const char *  psk,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Device bind to a client.

This function is used by devices to binding client. Device bind to client with identity, pin code, avtoken and psk. This api can only being called once. Device need call Nebula_Device_Login before binding to client.

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
pin_code[in]device's pin code which for authenticating with client.
psk[in]device's psk to encode/decode data in Nebula module
timeout_msec[in]The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if bind to a client successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
(1) Recommended value of timeout: 1000 millisecond ~ 30000 millisecond (2) Once the device bind to a sepecific client successfully, there is no need to do binding again when device restart.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Delete ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx)

Release device context.

This function will free device context that created by Nebula_Device_New()

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New;
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if delete device context successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Free_Sleep_Packet ( NebulaWakeUpData data)

Release wake up data from Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet.

This function is used to release wake up data from Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet, you must call it after you got the wake up data from Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet

data[in] The wake up data pointer
#Nebula_ER_NoERROR if free wake up data successfully
Error code if return value < 0
  • #Nebula_ER_INVALID_ARG The data is null pointer
NEBULA_API_DEPRECATED int Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_Packet ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
const unsigned char *  pattern,
unsigned int  pattern_size,
NebulaSocketProtocol  protocol,
NebulaWakeUpData **  data,
unsigned int *  data_count,
unsigned int  timeout_ms 

Get packet to keep alive when device sleeping.

This function is used to get keep alive packet information when device sleeping

ctx[in] device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New
pattern[in] The wakeup pattern of device, see Nebula_Client_Wakeup_Device()
pattern_size[in] The size fo wakeup pattern
protocol[in] The protocol to send sleep packet
data[out] The keep alive packet information, see NebulaWakeUpData
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if get the sleep packet successfully
Error code if return value < 0
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Get_Sleep_PacketEx ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
NebulaSleepConfig config,
NebulaWakeUpData **  data,
unsigned int *  data_count,
unsigned int  timeout_ms 

Get packet to keep alive when device sleeping.

This function is used to get keep alive packet information when device sleeping

ctx[in] device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New
config[in] device's sleep information, see NebulaSleepConfig
data[out] The keep alive packet information, see NebulaWakeUpData
data_count[out] Information count of data
timeout_msec[in] The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if get the sleep packet successfully
Error code if return value < 0
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Load_Settings ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
const char *  settings 

Nebula device load settings.

This function is used by device to load settings.

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
settings[in]the encrypted settings string of Nebula device
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if load settings successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Login ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
NebulaDeviceLoginStateFn  login_state_handler 

Device login to Bridge server.

This function is used by devices to login to bridge server. Device can receive data from client that is binded by nebula module after logining to Bridge server. Device need to call this api before binding to client.

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New;
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if login to Nebula server successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
NEBULA_API int32_t Nebula_Device_Max_Command_Handler_Thread_Count ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
int32_t  thread_count 

Device set max command handler thread count.

This function is used by devices to set max command handler thread count. Device invoke command handler callback with thread, the maximum thread count is thread_count.

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New.
thread_count[in]max command handler thread count of device, default value is 5.
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if set successfully
Error code if return value < 0
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_New ( const char *  udid,
const char *  secret_id,
const char *  profile,
NebulaCommandHandleFn  command_handler,
NebulaIdentityHandleFn  identity_handler,
NebulaSettingsChangeHandleFn  settings_change_handler,
NebulaDeviceCtx **  ctx 

Generat Device context for Nebula module.

This function will generate Device context for Nebula module. Device API for Nebula module need this context to work.

udid[in] device's udid for Nebula module
secret_id[in] device's secret_id for Nebula module
profile[in] device's profile for client to use.
command_handler[in] Nebula command handler callback function
identity_handler[in] identity handler callback function
settings_change_handler[in] setting change handler callback function
ctx[out]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New;
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if generate device context successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_New_Credential ( const char *  udid,
const char *  identity,
const char *  psk,
const char *  secret_id,
char **  credential 

Device generate bind message for client.

This function is used by devices to generate bind message. When Device get Nebula bind request from local client (BLE or AP mode LAN), this function can provide bind message to reaopnse.

udid[in]device's udid for Nebula module
identity[in]an owner of the device for the Nebula module
psk[in]device's psk to encode/decode data in Nebula module
secret_id[in]device's secret_id for Nebula module
credential[out]Nebula bind string for client
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if generate message success
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
bind_message_string shall be free after use it
NEBULA_API_DEPRECATED int Nebula_Device_New_Local_Bind_Message ( const char *  udid,
const char *  psk,
const char *  secret_id,
char **  bind_message_string 

Device generate bind message for client.

This function is used by devices to generate bind message. When Device get Nebula bind request from local client (BLE or AP mode LAN), this function can provide bind message to reaopnse.

udid[in]device's udid for Nebula module
psk[in]device's psk to encode/decode data in Nebula module
secret_id[in]device's secret_id for Nebula module
bind_message_string[out]Nebula bind string for client
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if generate message success
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
bind_message_string shall be free after use it, the Nebula_Device_New_Local_Bind_Message API had been deprecated, please use Nebula_Device_New_Credential API.
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Push_Notification ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
TUTKJsonObject notification_obj,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Nebula device push a notification to server.

This function is used by device to push a notification to server when some event happened and device want to notify Nebula clients with event messages.

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
notification_obj[in]The json object contains a list of key value pair for push server to generate the push message. The key and value should be a string.
timeout_msec[in]The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if bind to a client successfully
Error code if return value < 0
(1) Recommended value of timeout: 1000 millisecond ~ 30000 millisecond
NEBULA_API int Nebula_Device_Push_Thumbnail ( NebulaDeviceCtx ctx,
TUTKJsonObject notification_obj,
NebulaPushFileObject thumbnail_obj,
unsigned int  timeout_msec,
unsigned int *  abort_flag 

Nebula device push a notification to server with thumbnail.

This function is used by device to push a notification with thumbnail to server when some event happened and device want to notify Nebula clients with event messages.

ctx[in]device's context generate by Nebula_Device_New()
notification_obj[in]The json object contains a list of key value pair for push server to generate the push message. The key and value should be a string.
thumbnail_obj[in]Information of the thumbnail which will be pushed to server, see NebulaPushFileObject
timeout_msec[in]The timeout for this function in unit of millisecond, give 0 means block forever
abort_flag[in] set *abort_flag to 1 if you need to abort this function
NEBULA_ER_NoERROR if bind to a client successfully
Error code if return value < 0
(1) Recommended value of timeout: 1000 millisecond ~ 30000 millisecond