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P2PTunnelServer.h File Reference
#include "P2PTunnelCommon.h"

Data Structures

struct  st_P2PTunnelSessionInfo
struct  st_P2PTunnelSessionInfoEx


typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef int32_t(__stdcall * tunnelSessionInfoCB )(sP2PTunnelSessionInfo *sSessionInfo, void *pArg)
typedef void(__stdcall * tunnelSessionInfoExCB )(sP2PTunnelSessionInfoEx *sSessionInfo, const void *pArg)
typedef int32_t(__stdcall * tunnelPortVerifyCB )(uint16_t nServicePort, const void *pArg)
typedef uint16_t(__stdcall * tunnelServiceVerifyCB )(const char *cszServiceID, const void *pArg)
typedef void(__stdcall * tunnelServerAuthCB )(const char *cszAccount, char *cszPassword, uint32_t nPasswordMaxLength, const void *pArg)


TUNNEL_API_DEPRECATED int32_t P2PTunnelServerInitialize (uint32_t nMaxAgentConnection)
 Initialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServerInitialize2 (uint32_t nMaxAgentConnection, uint8_t bEnableLanDirect)
 Initialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServerDeInitialize (void)
 Deinitialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Register_Port_Verify (tunnelPortVerifyCB pfxTunnelPortVerifyFn, const void *pArg)
 Register Callback function for verify service port.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Register_Service_Verify (tunnelServiceVerifyCB pfxTunnelServiceVerifyFn, const void *pArg)
 Register Callback function for verify service id.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Listen (const int32_t SID, const int32_t CHID)
 Use the existed iotc session to listen incoming P2PTunnel connection.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Listen_Abort (const int32_t SID, const int32_t CHID)
 Used to gracefully stop P2PTunnelServer_Listen process.
TUNNEL_API_DEPRECATED int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Start (const char *cszUID)
 Start a tunnel server.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Start_Ex (const char *cszUID, tunnelServerAuthCB pfxTunnelServerAuthFn, tunnelSessionInfoExCB pfxSessionInfoExFn, const void *pArg)
 Start a tunnel server with DTLS mode.
TUNNEL_API void P2PTunnelServer_GetStatus (tunnelStatusCB pfxTunnelStatusFn, void *pArg)
 Used by a tunnel server to get the tunnel status.
TUNNEL_API_DEPRECATED int32_t P2PTunnelServer_GetSessionInfo (tunnelSessionInfoCB pfxSessionInfoFn, void *pArg)
 Used by a tunnel server to get the tunnel session information.
TUNNEL_API void P2PTunnelServer_Stop (void)
 Stop a tunnel server.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Disconnect (int32_t nSessionID)
 Used by a tunnel server to disconnect a tunnel session.

Detailed Description

This file describes P2PTunnel module APIs for agent.

Typedef Documentation

P2PTunnel session info, containing all the information when a P2PTunnel session is established between a tunnel server and a tunnel agent. Users can get this information through use P2PTunnelServer_GetSessionInfo() to register a call back function tunnelSessionInfoCB

P2PTunnel session info, containing all the information when a P2PTunnel session is established between a tunnel server and a tunnel agent. Users can get this information through use P2PTunnelServer_Start_Ex() to register a call back function tunnelSessionInfoExCB

typedef int32_t(__stdcall * tunnelPortVerifyCB)(uint16_t nServicePort, const void *pArg)

The prototype of Tunnel server verify port of service.

nServicePort[in] port number that Tunnel agent want to access
pArg[in] Tunnel server pass user data
0 if port passes.
< 0 to reject access
typedef void(__stdcall * tunnelServerAuthCB)(const char *cszAccount, char *cszPassword, uint32_t nPasswordMaxLength, const void *pArg)

The prototype of authenticating connect informations, used by a tunnel server to be notified when connection start.

cszAccount[in] Account from tunnel agent
cszPassword[out] The password input by user
nPasswordMaxLength[in] Max size of cszPassword
pArg[in] Tunnel server pass user data
Set empty string "" to cszPassword meas reject this tunnel connection
typedef uint16_t(__stdcall * tunnelServiceVerifyCB)(const char *cszServiceID, const void *pArg)

The prototype of Tunnel server to verify Service ID.

cszServiceID[in] Service ID that Tunnel agent want to access. Max length is MAX_SERVICE_ID_LEN(16).
pArg[in] Tunnel server pass user data
Service port number if service ID passes.
0 to reject access
typedef int32_t(__stdcall * tunnelSessionInfoCB)(sP2PTunnelSessionInfo *sSessionInfo, void *pArg)

The prototype of getting tunnel session information function, used by a tunnel server to be notified after tunnel session is established.

sSessionInfo[out] About remote session information
pArg[out] Tunnel server pass user data
User define value.
  • if value == 0, it means a tunnel server passes tunnel agent authentication
  • if value < 0, it means a tunnel server rejects tunnel agent authentication and P2PTunnel module will send the value back to tunnel agent for tell the reason why this tunnel server rejects connection.
typedef void(__stdcall * tunnelSessionInfoExCB)(sP2PTunnelSessionInfoEx *sSessionInfo, const void *pArg)

The prototype of getting tunnel session information function, used by a tunnel server to be notified after tunnel session is established.

sSessionInfo[out] About remote session information
pArg[out] Tunnel server pass user data

Function Documentation

TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Disconnect ( int32_t  nSessionID)

Used by a tunnel server to disconnect a tunnel session.

This function will disconnect a tunnel session anytime after tunnel session established and it can be called anywhere.

nSessionID[in] Which session ID of the P2PTunnel session established
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if disconnect P2PTunnel session successfully
Error code if return value < 0
TUNNEL_API_DEPRECATED int32_t P2PTunnelServer_GetSessionInfo ( tunnelSessionInfoCB  pfxSessionInfoFn,
void *  pArg 

Used by a tunnel server to get the tunnel session information.

This function will set a callback function pointer in P2PTunnel module for a tunnel server to get the tunnel session information from given callback function. Whenever tunnel agent try to establish session with tunnel server successfully, P2PTunnel module will invoke the given callback function to notify tunnel server and pass information through sP2PTunnelSessionInfo data struct.

pfxSessionInfoFn[in] The function pointer to get tunnel session information function
pArg[in] User can give data pointer to pass to pfxSessionInfoFn when this call back function is triggered. Can be NULL.
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if register successfully
Error code if return value < 0
TUNNEL_API void P2PTunnelServer_GetStatus ( tunnelStatusCB  pfxTunnelStatusFn,
void *  pArg 

Used by a tunnel server to get the tunnel status.

This function will set a callback function pointer in P2PTunnel module for a tunnel server to get the tunnel status from given callback function. Whenever tunnel status changes, P2PTunnel module will invoke the given callback function to notify tunnel server with corresponding status.

pfxTunnelStatusFn[in] The function pointer to get tunnel status function
pArg[in] User can give data pointer to pass to pfxSessionInfoFn when this call back function is triggered. Can be NULL.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Listen ( const int32_t  SID,
const int32_t  CHID 

Use the existed iotc session to listen incoming P2PTunnel connection.

In order to use the same iotc session with other modules, please make sure you use different channel id for each module, for example, you can use channel 0 for AV connections and channel 1 for P2PTunnel connections

SID[in] Base on which IOTC session id you want to build P2PTunnel connection
CHID[in] Base on which IOTC channel id you want to build P2PTunnel connection
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if deinitialize successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
P2PTunnelSetConnectionOption(), P2PTunnelAgent_Attach_Connect()
(1) Must be called after P2PTunnelSetConnectionOption is set as TUNNEL_CONNECT_MANUAL mode (2) Must be called after P2PTunnelServer_Start_Ex
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Listen_Abort ( const int32_t  SID,
const int32_t  CHID 

Used to gracefully stop P2PTunnelServer_Listen process.

SID[in] Base on which IOTC session you want to stop P2PTunnel from listening on
CHID[in] Base on which IOTC channel id you want to stop P2PTunnel from listening on
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if deinitialize successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
P2PTunnelSetConnectionOption(), P2PTunnelAgent_Attach_Connect()
(1) Must be called after P2PTunnelSetConnectionOption is set as TUNNEL_CONNECT_MANUAL mode (2) Must be called after P2PTunnelServer_Start_Ex
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Register_Port_Verify ( tunnelPortVerifyCB  pfxTunnelPortVerifyFn,
const void *  pArg 

Register Callback function for verify service port.

When Tunnel server recevice request for access service at specific port from remote, SDK will invoke callback function.

pfxTunnelPortVerifyFn[in] The function pointer to verify service port function. set NULL means allow all port.
pArg[in] User can give data pointer to pass to pfxTunnelPortVerifyFn when this callback function is triggered. Can be NULL.
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if register successfully
Error code if return value < 0
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Register_Service_Verify ( tunnelServiceVerifyCB  pfxTunnelServiceVerifyFn,
const void *  pArg 

Register Callback function for verify service id.

When Tunnel server recevice request for access service at specific service id from remote, SDK will invoke callback function.

pfxTunnelServiceVerifyFn[in] The function pointer to verify service id function.
pArg[in] User can give data pointer to pass to pfxTunnelServiceVerifyFn when this callback function is triggered. Can be NULL.
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if register successfully
Error code if return value < 0
TUNNEL_API_DEPRECATED int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Start ( const char *  cszUID)

Start a tunnel server.

This function will start a tunnel server with given UID

cszUID[in] The UID of that tunnel server
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if start successfully
Error code if return value < 0
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServer_Start_Ex ( const char *  cszUID,
tunnelServerAuthCB  pfxTunnelServerAuthFn,
tunnelSessionInfoExCB  pfxSessionInfoExFn,
const void *  pArg 

Start a tunnel server with DTLS mode.

This function will start a tunnel server with given UID

cszUID[in] The UID of that tunnel server
pfxTunnelServerAuthFn[in] The function pointer of authenticate account function
pfxSessionInfoExFn[in] The function pointer to get tunnel session information function. Can be NULL.
pArg[in] User can give data pointer to pass to pfxTunnelServerAuthFn and pfxSessionInfoExFn when this call back function is triggered. Can be NULL.
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if start successfully
Error code if return value < 0
TUNNEL_API void P2PTunnelServer_Stop ( void  )

Stop a tunnel server.

This function will stop a tunnel server

TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServerDeInitialize ( void  )

Deinitialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server.

This function will deinitialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server

TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if deinitialize successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
Must call P2PTunnelServer_Stop() before calling this function, otherwise resource in P2PTunnel module will not be freed.
This function can't be called simultaneously from multiple threads.
TUNNEL_API_DEPRECATED int32_t P2PTunnelServerInitialize ( uint32_t  nMaxAgentConnection)

Initialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server.

This function is used by a tunnel server to initialize P2PTunnel module and shall be called before any P2PTunnel module related function is invoked.

nMaxAgentConnection[in] Specify max number of tunnel agents that can connect to this tunnel server
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if initializing successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
P2PTunnelServerDeInitialize(), TUTK_SDK_Set_License_Key()
This function can't be called simultaneously from multiple threads.
TUNNEL_API int32_t P2PTunnelServerInitialize2 ( uint32_t  nMaxAgentConnection,
uint8_t  bEnableLanDirect 

Initialize P2PTunnel module in a tunnel server.

This function is used by a tunnel server to initialize P2PTunnel module and shall be called before any P2PTunnel module related function is invoked.

nMaxAgentConnection[in] Specify max number of tunnel agents that can connect to this tunnel server
bEnableLanDirect[in] Transport data directly without TUTK forward mechanism when P2PTunnelAgent and P2PTunnelSever are on the same LAN.
TUNNEL_ER_NoERROR if initializing successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
P2PTunnelServerDeInitialize(), TUTK_SDK_Set_License_Key()
This function can't be called simultaneously from multiple threads.
Lan direct isn't working with service mapping.