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RDTCommon.h File Reference
#include "TUTKGlobalAPIs.h"

Data Structures

struct  st_RDT_Status


#define RDTAPI_API   __declspec(dllimport)
#define RDT_ER_NoERROR   0
#define RDT_ER_NOT_INITIALIZED   -10000
#define RDT_ER_EXCEED_MAX_CHANNEL   -10002
#define RDT_ER_MEM_INSUFF   -10003
#define RDT_ER_FAIL_CREATE_THREAD   -10004
#define RDT_ER_FAIL_CREATE_MUTEX   -10005
#define RDT_ER_RDT_DESTROYED   -10006
#define RDT_ER_TIMEOUT   -10007
#define RDT_ER_INVALID_RDT_ID   -10008
#define RDT_ER_RCV_DATA_END   -10009
#define RDT_ER_REMOTE_ABORT   -10010
#define RDT_ER_LOCAL_ABORT   -10011
#define RDT_ER_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED   -10012
#define RDT_ER_NO_PERMISSION   -10013
#define RDT_ER_INVALID_ARG   -10014
#define RDT_ER_LOCAL_EXIT   -10015
#define RDT_ER_REMOTE_EXIT   -10016
#define RDT_ER_SEND_BUFFER_FULL   -10017
#define RDT_ER_DEINITIALIZING   -10019
#define RDT_ER_CREATE_DTLS_FAIL   -10021


 Get the version of RDT module.
const char * RDT_GetRDTApiVersionString (void)
 Get the version of RDT module.
void RDT_Set_Max_Channel_Number (uint32_t nMaxChannelNum)
 Set the max number of RDT channels.
int32_t RDT_Initialize ()
 Initialize RDT module.
int32_t RDT_DeInitialize ()
 Deinitialize RDT module.
RDTAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t RDT_Create (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, int32_t nTimeout, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID)
 Create a RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Create_Exit (int32_t nIOTCSessionID, uint8_t nIOTCChannelID)
 Exit the process of a specific RDT channel create.
int32_t RDT_Destroy (int32_t nRDTChannelID)
 Destroy a RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Abort (int32_t nRDTChannelID)
 Abort a RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Set_Max_SendBuffer_Size (int32_t nRDTChannelID, int32_t nMaxSendBufferSize)
 Set max send queue buffer size.
int32_t RDT_Flush (int32_t nRDTChannelID)
 Flush data in an RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Write (int32_t nRDTChannelID, const char *cabBuf, int32_t nBufSize)
 Write data through a RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Read (int32_t nRDTChannelID, char *abBuf, int32_t nBufSize, int32_t nTimeout)
 Read data through a RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Status_Check (int32_t nRDTChannelID, struct st_RDT_Status *psRDT_Status)
 Get status of a RDT channel.
void RDT_Set_Log_Path (const char *path, int32_t nMaxSize)
 Set path of log file.
int32_t RDT_Set_Log_Attr (LogAttr logAttr)
 Set Attribute of log file.
int32_t RDT_Set_Max_Pending_ACK_Number (int32_t nRDTChannelID, uint32_t nMaxNumber)
 Set the max number of pending ACKs of the RDT channel.
int32_t RDT_Set_MaxPacketDataSize (uint32_t nMaxSize)
 Set the max packet data size of a single RDT packet.

Detailed Description

This file describes all the APIs of the RDT module in IOTC platform.

Macro Definition Documentation


RDT module is already initialized. It is not necessary to re-initialize.

#define RDT_ER_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED   -10012

The specific IOTC session and channel ID is used now so can't use the same resource. You can choose other IOTC channel for RDT use or wait RDT_Abort() to release resource automatically.

#define RDT_ER_CREATE_DTLS_FAIL   -10021

RDT fails to create safe channel

#define RDT_ER_DEINITIALIZING   -10019

RDT module is currently deinitializing. It is not necessary to re-deinitialize.

#define RDT_ER_EXCEED_MAX_CHANNEL   -10002

The number of RDT channels has reached maximum. Please use RDT_Set_Max_Channel_Number() to set up the max number of RDT channels. By default, the maximum channel number is MAX_DEFAULT_RDT_CHANNEL_NUMBER.

#define RDT_ER_FAIL_CREATE_MUTEX   -10005

RDT module fails to create Mutexs when doing initialization. Please check if OS has sufficient Mutexs for RDT module.

#define RDT_ER_FAIL_CREATE_THREAD   -10004

RDT module fails to create threads. Please check if OS has ability to create threads for RDT module.


RDT fails to initialize DTLS module.

#define RDT_ER_INVALID_ARG   -10014

The arguments passed to a function is invalid.

#define RDT_ER_INVALID_RDT_ID   -10008

The specified RDT channel ID is valid

#define RDT_ER_LOCAL_ABORT   -10011

The local site called RDT_Abort() so the RDT channel is already not available.

#define RDT_ER_LOCAL_EXIT   -10015

The local site called RDT_Create_Exit() so the RDT channel exit creating.


Remote RDT need connect with DTLS

#define RDT_ER_MEM_INSUFF   -10003

Insufficient memory for allocation

#define RDT_ER_NO_PERMISSION   -10013

This is a lite UID and it does not support RDT module.

#define RDT_ER_NoERROR   0

The function is performed successfully.

#define RDT_ER_NOT_INITIALIZED   -10000

RDT module is not initialized yet. Please use RDT_Initialize() for initialization.


The API operation is invalid

#define RDT_ER_RCV_DATA_END   -10009

The remote site has finished sending data, then destroy the RDT channel. The local site will get this error code by RDT_Read() when there is no more data from this RDT channel.

#define RDT_ER_RDT_DESTROYED   -10006

RDT channel has been destroyed. Probably caused by local or remote site calls RDT_Destroy(), or remote site has closed IOTC session.

#define RDT_ER_REMOTE_ABORT   -10010

The remote site want to abort the RDT channel immediately and don't care data transmission. The local site will get this error code by RDT_Read(), RDT_Write(), RDT_Destroy() for handling this RDT channel to close.

#define RDT_ER_REMOTE_EXIT   -10016

The remote site called RDT_Create_Exit() so the RDT channel exit creating.


Remote RDT not support DTLS

#define RDT_ER_SEND_BUFFER_FULL   -10017

The RDT write buffer is full. Try again after min 1ms this Error code only return when RDT_Set_Max_SendBuff_Size is be set.

#define RDT_ER_TIMEOUT   -10007

The specified timeout has expired during the execution of some RDT module service. For most cases, it is caused by slow response of remote site or network connection issues


All RDT connection should call RDT_Abort or RDT_Destroy before doing RDT_Deinitialize

#define RDTAPI_API   __declspec(dllimport)

Function Documentation

int32_t RDT_Abort ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID)

Abort a RDT channel.

This function will abort the RDT channel connection specified by a channel ID

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to abort
RDT_ER_NoERROR if abort successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
RDT_Server_Create() RDT_Client_Create()
It will ignore all data received or not send yet, force to abort the RDT channel connection.
RDTAPI_API_DEPRECATED int32_t RDT_Create ( int32_t  nIOTCSessionID,
int32_t  nTimeout,
uint8_t  nIOTCChannelID 

Create a RDT channel.

This function will create a RDT channel based on specified IOTC channel

nIOTCSessionID[in] The session ID of the IOTC session to create RDT channel
nTimeout[in] The timeout for this function in unit of million-second. Specify it as 0 will make this function block forever until a RDT channel is successfully created or error happens
nIOTCChannelID[in] The channel ID of the IOTC channel to create RDT channel
RDT channel ID if return value >= 0
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
RDT_Destroy() and RDT_Abort()
(1) The IOTC channel of specified channel ID will be turned on automatically by RDT_Create() (2) This function will need 288 bytes stack size.
int32_t RDT_Create_Exit ( int32_t  nIOTCSessionID,
uint8_t  nIOTCChannelID 

Exit the process of a specific RDT channel create.

This function will create a RDT channel based on specified IOTC channel

nIOTCSessionID[in] The session ID argument passed to call RDT_Create()
nIOTCChannelID[in] The channel ID argument passed to call RDT_Create()
RDT_ER_NoERROR if function called successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
RDT_Server_Create() RDT_Client_Create()
It will send exit message to remote but old version can't recognize it, so must wait until timeout for RDT_Server_Create() or RDT_Client_Create() return.
int32_t RDT_DeInitialize ( )

Deinitialize RDT module.

This function will deinitialize RDT module.

RDT_ER_NoERROR if deinitialize successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
(1) RDT module shall be deinitialized before IOTC module is deinitialized. (2) All RDT connection should call RDT_Abort or RDT_Destroy before doing RDT_Deinitialize
int32_t RDT_Destroy ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID)

Destroy a RDT channel.

This function will destroy the RDT channel specified by a channel ID

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to destroy
RDT_ER_NoERROR if destroying successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
RDT_Server_Create() RDT_Client_Create()
The IOTC channel containing RDT channel will be turned off after the RDT channel is destroyed. It will block until remote site call RDT_Destroy() or IOTC session disconnected.
int32_t RDT_Flush ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID)

Flush data in an RDT channel.

Called by a RDT server or a RDT client to flush data in the buffer, otherwise RDT may wait until data can fill out the whole packet

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to write data
RDT_ER_NoERROR if flush successfully
Error code if return value < 0

Get the version of RDT module.

This function returns the version of RDT module

The version of RDT module from high byte to low byte, for example, 0x01020304 means the version is
See Also
IOTC_Get_Version(), avGetAVApiVer()
const char* RDT_GetRDTApiVersionString ( void  )

Get the version of RDT module.

This function returns the version of RDT module

int32_t RDT_Initialize ( )

Initialize RDT module.

This function is used by RDT servers or RDT clients to initialize RDT module and shall be called before any RDT module related function is invoked, except RDT_Set_Max_Channel_Number().

The actual maximum number of allowable RDT channels if initializing successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
IOTC_Initialize(), IOTC_Initialize2(), RDT_DeInitialize(), TUTK_SDK_Set_License_Key()
IOTC module is needed to be initialized before initializing RDT module. That is, please invoke IOTC_Initialize() or IOTC_Initialize2() before this function.
int32_t RDT_Read ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID,
char *  abBuf,
int32_t  nBufSize,
int32_t  nTimeout 

Read data through a RDT channel.

Called by a RDT server or a RDT client to read data through a specified RDT channel from the other.

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to read data
abBuf[out] The array of byte buffer to receive read result
nBufSize[in] The maximum length of the byte buffer
nTimeout[in] The timeout for this function in unit of million-second
The actual length of read result stored in abBuf if read successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
This function will need 292 bytes stack size.
int32_t RDT_Set_Log_Attr ( LogAttr  logAttr)

Set Attribute of log file.

logAttr[in] See LogAttr
RDT_ER_NoERROR on success.
The value < 0
void RDT_Set_Log_Path ( const char *  path,
int32_t  nMaxSize 

Set path of log file.

Set the absolute path of log file

path[in] The path of log file, NULL = disable Log
nMaxSize[in] The maximum size of log file in Bytes, 0 = unlimit
void RDT_Set_Max_Channel_Number ( uint32_t  nMaxChannelNum)

Set the max number of RDT channels.

This function set the max number of allowable RDT channels. The max number of RDT channels limits the max number of RDT channels that a RDT server can establish with multiple RDT clients from RDT server's point of view, while it limits the max number of RDT channels that a RDT client can establish with multiple RDT servers from RDT client's point of view. A RDT server or a RDT client could use this function to reduce the number of RDT channels in order to save some memory usage.

nMaxChannelNum[in] The max number of RDT channels
(1) This function is optional if users do not want to change the default max number of RDT channels. However, if users really wants to change it, this function shall be called before RDT_Initialize().

(2) The default maximum RDT channel number is MAX_DEFAULT_RDT_CHANNEL_NUMBER in all platforms.
int32_t RDT_Set_Max_Pending_ACK_Number ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID,
uint32_t  nMaxNumber 

Set the max number of pending ACKs of the RDT channel.

This function is related to the frequency of sending RDT ACK, set 0 to nMaxNumber if you want to force RDT to send ACK immediately, it might consume more CPU resource and network bandwidth, but it might improve the performance of RDT data transmission; 0 is the default value of nMaxNumber, we suggest not to use the number bigger than 80

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to get status
nMaxNumber[in] The max pending number of RDT ACK of the RDT channel
RDT_ER_NoERROR if getting the RDT status successfully
Error code if return value < 0
Please invoke this function after RDT channel is created. This function will work only when the remote RDT version is equal or bigger than 2.1.0
int32_t RDT_Set_Max_SendBuffer_Size ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID,
int32_t  nMaxSendBufferSize 

Set max send queue buffer size.

Limit the send queue buffer size, when the buffer is full RDT_Write will return RDT_ER_SEND_BUFFER_FULL

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel
nMaxSendBufferSize[in] The maximum size of send queue buffer
int32_t RDT_Set_MaxPacketDataSize ( uint32_t  nMaxSize)

Set the max packet data size of a single RDT packet.

This function can set the max packet data size of a RDT packet. By default, the max data size of RDT is 1280. For some situation, the MTU size might be smaller than default value. User can adjust the max RDT packet data size by this function.

nMaxSize[in] The max packet size of a single RDT packet.
RDT_ER_NoERROR if setting successfully
Error code if return value < 0
(1) The max packet size must be smaller than 1280. (2) The min packet size must be bigger than 100. (3) Use this function before RDT_Initialize().
int32_t RDT_Status_Check ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID,
struct st_RDT_Status psRDT_Status 

Get status of a RDT channel.

A RDT server or a RDT client may use this function to get the status of a specified RDT channel

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to get status
psRDT_Status[out] The status of specified RDT channel
RDT_ER_NoERROR if getting the RDT status successfully
Error code if return value < 0
int32_t RDT_Write ( int32_t  nRDTChannelID,
const char *  cabBuf,
int32_t  nBufSize 

Write data through a RDT channel.

Called by a RDT server or a RDT client to write data through a specified RDT channel to the other. RDT_Write might not send small size data directly, if you need to write small size data directly you can call RDT_Flush after RDT_Write

nRDTChannelID[in] The channel ID of the RDT channel to write data
cabBuf[in] The array of byte buffer containing the data to write
nBufSize[in] The length of the byte buffer
The actual length of buffer to be written if write successfully
Error code if return value < 0
See Also
RDT_Read() RDT_Set_Max_SendBuffer_Size()
This function will need 5088 bytes stack size.