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st_SInfoEx Struct Reference

#include <IOTCCommon.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t size
 size of the structure
uint8_t Mode
 0: P2P mode, 1: Relay mode, 2: LAN mode, 255: Not connected.
int8_t CorD
 0: As a Client, 1: As a Device
char UID [21]
 The UID of the device.
char RemoteIP [47]
 The IP address of remote site used during this IOTC session.
uint16_t RemotePort
 The port number of remote site used during this IOTC session.
uint32_t TX_Packetcount
 The total packets sent from the device and the client during this IOTC session.
uint32_t RX_Packetcount
 The total packets received in the device and the client during this IOTC session.
uint32_t IOTCVersion
 The IOTC version.
uint16_t VID
 The Vendor ID, part of VPG mechanism.
uint16_t PID
 The Product ID, part of VPG mechanism.
uint16_t GID
 The Group ID, part of VPG mechanism.
uint8_t isSecure
 0: The IOTC session is in non-secure mode, 1: The IOTC session is in secure mode
uint8_t LocalNatType
 The local NAT type, 0: Unknown type, 1: Type 1, 2: Type 2, 3: Type 3, 10: TCP only.
uint8_t RemoteNatType
 The remote NAT type, 0: Unknown type, 1: Type 1, 2: Type 2, 3: Type 3, 10: TCP only.
uint8_t RelayType
 0: Not Relay, 1: UDP Relay, 2: TCP Relay
uint32_t NetState
 If no UDP packet is ever received, the first bit of value is 1, otherwise 0.
char RemoteWANIP [47]
 The WAN IP address of remote site used during this IOTC session and it is only valid in P2P or Relay mode.
uint16_t RemoteWANPort
 The WAN port number of remote site used during this IOTC session and it is only valid in P2P or Relay mode.
uint8_t isNebula
 0: Session not created by nebula, 1: Session created by nebula
uint8_t isUseAuthkey
 0: Session connected without IOTC authkey, 1: Session connected with IOTC authkey

Detailed Description

IOTC session info, containing all the information when a IOTC session is established between a device and a client. Users can use IOTC_Session_Check_Ex() to get IOTC session information.

Field Documentation

int8_t CorD

0: As a Client, 1: As a Device

uint16_t GID

The Group ID, part of VPG mechanism.

uint32_t IOTCVersion

The IOTC version.

uint8_t isNebula

0: Session not created by nebula, 1: Session created by nebula

uint8_t isSecure

0: The IOTC session is in non-secure mode, 1: The IOTC session is in secure mode

uint8_t isUseAuthkey

0: Session connected without IOTC authkey, 1: Session connected with IOTC authkey

uint8_t LocalNatType

The local NAT type, 0: Unknown type, 1: Type 1, 2: Type 2, 3: Type 3, 10: TCP only.

uint8_t Mode

0: P2P mode, 1: Relay mode, 2: LAN mode, 255: Not connected.

uint32_t NetState

If no UDP packet is ever received, the first bit of value is 1, otherwise 0.

uint16_t PID

The Product ID, part of VPG mechanism.

uint8_t RelayType

0: Not Relay, 1: UDP Relay, 2: TCP Relay

char RemoteIP[47]

The IP address of remote site used during this IOTC session.

uint8_t RemoteNatType

The remote NAT type, 0: Unknown type, 1: Type 1, 2: Type 2, 3: Type 3, 10: TCP only.

uint16_t RemotePort

The port number of remote site used during this IOTC session.

char RemoteWANIP[47]

The WAN IP address of remote site used during this IOTC session and it is only valid in P2P or Relay mode.

uint16_t RemoteWANPort

The WAN port number of remote site used during this IOTC session and it is only valid in P2P or Relay mode.

uint32_t RX_Packetcount

The total packets received in the device and the client during this IOTC session.

uint32_t size

size of the structure

uint32_t TX_Packetcount

The total packets sent from the device and the client during this IOTC session.

char UID[21]

The UID of the device.

uint16_t VID

The Vendor ID, part of VPG mechanism.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: